• Digital media and print designer with over 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in the industry.
  • Love and drive for all things SOCIAL MEDIA and MARKETING.
  • Passion and drive of UI/UX theory and design incorporating the psychology and application of common sense in the digital landscape.
  • Designed and engineered iOS/Android APP pre-production
  • 10 years PUBLICATION layout design
  • 14 years ADVERTISING design
  • Operates his own WEB SITE & PRINT design company
  • Experience dealing with both CLIENT and VENDORS

Craig Thomson is a  Creative Director and Senior Graphic Designer with over 25 years of experience in digital media, print, advertising, branding and marketing. Graduated from Sheridan College in 1998, Craig has worked for numerous companies in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and surrounding areas including Milton, Oakville, Burlington and Guelph. Currently freelancing and most recently working for Metroland West Media Group for the past 14 YEARS, Craig always has an eye out for the next great opportunity he can sink his teeth into.

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